Customers demands:
equipment of the exhibition hall with ships for the fair "Boot" at Duesseldorf.
Our Company succeeded combining the aesthetic aspect of the door with the special requirements of the customer which had to be technically realised.
Technical data:
- 2 wing turn-around-door, totally glazed
- 15 x 15,8 m, total weight approx. 18 t
- The door weight is carried in a steel construction frame with two downside drive units.
- The opening of the door is done from the mid-section to the opening position in semi-circular motion.
- The storm-resistance is guaranteed by 4 automatic vertical locking devices equipped with motor units.
- In the close position of the door the balustrade at the inside of the hall is combined by a draw bridge to let pedestrians pass from the left to the right side and vice versa behind the door